Monday, May 23, 2011

A Place to Call Home...

Last week we made a quick dash back to Memphis. It was a rushed trip but one I needed to make. We traveled to participate in a fundraiser in memory of my best friend David Tucker who died suddenly back in January. The trip was covered in pain, sadness, love, and healing. It was something I needed to do. The moment we walked into my mothers home, that strange feeling came over us. It’s hard to explain, others have felt it also, but it’s a strange comfortable relaxing feeling that reeks you are home. When you enter that door quickly you are surrounded by love. It is no strange phenomenon; it is what Sociologists agree we all long for. It is in parent/child relationship that describes the feeling of security that children long for when they're left alone. They want to be reassured that someone greater, stronger, smarter is not only present but in charge. And they want to be reassured that this someone loves them.

In Jesus’ Last Lecture to his disciples he reiterates the message of love. Jesus says the same thing over and over again but the central theme is love.
"If you love me you will keep my commandments.
“A new commandment I give you, that you love one another as I have loved you.
"Whoever does not love me does not keep my words.
"I am giving you these commands so that you may love one another.

The disciples must have wondered how they could do that. Knowing they had a hard time loving each even while Jesus was with them, how could believers love like that? They overlook the obvious fact: when you love someone, really, really love someone, doing what is good and right comes so much more naturally and easily. Perhaps parents are a good illustration of this: it may be a challenge at times to be a parent, but the love one feels for one's children makes it a "no-brainer" to do what's good for them; it's obvious that if you love your children, you're going to take good care of them.

It begins with love. When our actions begin with love, everything else seems to fall in place. When there are days and situations when it is hard to love, Jesus tells us he will not leave us as orphans. Unlike those who have no parent, he promises to send the Holy Spirit as our Advocate. When our faith community clearly and intentionally focuses on love we become a home. It is love that prepares a home for those searching. We become a home; not a place to visit, not a place to pass through from time to time, and not a place to send a postcard. Is it any wonder that our church home has a table at its center, not just architecturally but at the heart of our worship life together? The Lord’s Table is where all are welcome; a table where all can gather, and table where all feel loved. A place where everyone is reassured that someone greater, stronger, smarter is not only present but in charge and reassured that this someone loves them.
Who have you invited to the table? Who have you invited home?
See ya in church but until then take care of yourself and one another..

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